What Hitler and Julian Bell have in common?

Hitler for Nobel Prize!

In 1939 Adolf Hitler was recommended to the Nobel committee by Erik Brandt, a social democratic member of the Swedish parliament.


It takes “all sorts” to endorse unsavoury characters.

Public trust in the mainstream media has plummeted to an all-time low. The Guardian is certainly not immune to distrust. The BBC, extremely unpopular in recent years, is amongst “the most biased propaganda machines in the world” so it comes as no surprise that the BBC admits to spending £139,000 a year on buying the Guardian – that’s over 1,300 copies a week. The Guardian is the second most popular paper at BBC with 69,212 copies ordered. [Source: Mail-on-Line, 6th June 2021].

Why would The Guardian publish “The evidence is in: low-traffic neighbourhoods are popular” by Julian Bell (ex-leader of Ealing Council)?


Julian Bell has been a very unpopular figure for many of the local residents during the years he spent as the leader of Ealing Council. He acted very much as a self-centered little dictator, disregarding the residents opinions and interests.

A good 99% of what he has written in the article can only be seen as Julian Bell’s ‘cognitive distortions’ = irrational, inflated thoughts and beliefs that has distorted his perception of reality. He is only clever because there are people out there that are even more senseless then he is.

What he stated in the article is utter nonsense and somewhat delusional. It would take many pages of detailed clarifications to address all of the points he made.

One comment about the sub-title should suffice. “The London election proves that measures to make streets safer are a vote-winner”.

I said, above, that many residents are senseless and that goes for the electorate too. During the Mayoral Election, having had the opportunity to choose an Independent candidate, the majority of the voters still voted for a political party.

Majority is a big word because only 42% was the turnout of those entitled to vote that actually bothered to take part in the election. That is a 3.1% down on the previous 2016 Mayoral Election. However, the “pandemic” may have played a part in this, bringing about a rule change, [The Local and Greater London Authority Elections (Coronavirus, Nomination of Candidates) (Amendment) (England) Rules 2021 (February)], that has lowered the number of signatures from each borough required to enter the race from 10 to two.

Khan got just over 1 million votes; that would be those that voted Labour. In fact, forgetting about the 2nd vote, Khan (Labour) got 1,013.721 votes, against 1,517.636 votes on those that did not vote for him. It is easy to play with figures especially if one is only after demonstrating one’s own interests.

So it goes that this is a very biased article, a fake piece of news, from The Guardian that is very much concerned in pushing the narrative for the New World Order. For those that still don’t know what the NWO is, I suggest to look at Agenda-21 and Agenda-30 official government documents.


The government and media are making strenuous efforts to keep up their propaganda. They don’t want to give to the public time to understand or research what their future plans are.

Having noted the extensive mess that this Mayor of London (Mr.Khan) and previous ones have made of this great City, I voted for Independent candidates. – “If you want different results than what you’re getting, you have to try different approaches”. – It sounds easy but people need stability, in their mind, first.

By voting for someone like Farah London we could have had a diorama of her dream world, a utopia perhaps. The Croydon-born former Conservative activist’s campaign was focused on the capital’s economic recovery. In contrast to Valerie Brown’s single issue approach of abolishing the role of Mayor, Ms London has a lot of policies. She is pro-black cab trade and anti-Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. She is also pro-bee, pro-indoor farming and against vets that overcharge. Her manifesto was headlined “jobs jobs jobs jobs”, which is one more “jobs” than Khan’s approach.

News paper has been used to wrap chips but, also, as been often used as toilet paper. The latter is the best use for such a waste of paper.

Toilet paper

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