A Police Story

It is in my opinion that the letter (below) sent to the police Complaint Resolution Unit, clearly outline that there is still a lot of incompetence within the Metropolitan police services. There is dishonesty and obstruction.

Ms. Sophie Linden is Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, has worked with the Home Secretary and Ministers on policy development and strategy, including, police reform, crime and antisocial behaviour reduction, neighbourhood policing, and reducing the harm caused by illegal drugs.

She has also been a member of the Local Government Association (LGA) Safer Communities Board, a peer reviewer for the LGA on community safety, and a member of the HMIC advisory board on PEEL (the police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy programme) inspections.

Commander Jon Savell DPS, has been involved, in 2022, with an MPS-MOPAC joint audit panel with the view to address the HMICFRS Report on Counter Corruption.

My complaint has been addressed to a number of senior figures. It will be interesting to see who takes the time to respond.


[Calls to the Met’s dedicated internal hotline raising concerns about officers’ integrity and behaviour have more than doubled in the past six months, with 14 reports a week compared with an average of six previously. Source = Met. Police NEWS – 

Following the Grenfell Tower fire play at the National Gallery, I learned that, while escaping death, residents of Grenfell Tower were greeted by the Metropolitan Police’s SCO-19 (formerly SO19) Specialist Firearms Command unit (riot police), when exiting the building. YouTube has short videos of the play.

Blog letter

Mr. C...

Complaint Resolution Unit

40-42 Newlands Park                                                                                                                                        

London SE26 5NF



  Your reference: PC/07
                                                                                                                                            [MOPAC  reference: PC/07]


Dear Mr. C…,

Further to your letter of 25/07/2023 you haven’t failed my expectations; once again you have refused to take my case seriously.

MOPAC has presented a very comprehensive and skilful report comprising 16 pages of documentation. Your presumptuous attitude ignores MOPAC’s professionalism and recommendations by favouring only the section of the report that fits your particular perspective of dismissing my concerns. Having the opportunity to obstruct my case again, you appeared to breathe a sigh of relief and egotism when you wrote – “don’t give you any further right”.

Crime is an unfortunate reality in societies worldwide, and the fundamental role of law enforcement and justice systems, is to efficiently address and punish criminal activities to maintain social order and protect citizens. It was clear from your first email that you did not grasp and address this issue.

When instances of police misconduct come to light, the public’s trust in the police force is irreparably damaged. Each case, however large or small, creates a ripple effect among friends, family and the community, leading to a widespread perception that officers cannot be trusted to act in the best interest of the public. This lack of trust hinders cooperation and vital communication between the community and law enforcement, reducing the ability of the police force to prevent and solve crimes, thus increasing the area’s crime rate.

Negative police conduct not only tarnishes the reputation of individual officers but also raises questions about the overall integrity and accountability of the entire police force. Your careless conduct has severe implications for society as a whole, allowing unpunished crimes to thrive. This breeds fear and insecurity among citizens, eroding public trust in the justice system and authorities. Such impunity fosters a culture of lawlessness, emboldening criminals, like Mr. S…, to commit offences without repercussions, further perpetuating crime.

Why has my case taken such a sloppy turn? Since the very first email you sent, you have hampered any investigation and prosecution. Throughout all of your correspondence, there is a constant contentious element; it is unclear whether this is directed at me or the case.

There should be no reason for your hostile behaviour as I am seeking help from the police, as the victim of crime. However, there is no doubt that your communication with me is hostile. Moreover, I wonder if your unprofessional behaviour is motivated by racism against me.

In your very first email of 17/08/2022, you wrote: “If no reply is received within 7 days your complaint may be closed pending further contact”. On this occasion you wrote: “This further response does not give you a further right to review with the complaint now finalised”. Your eagerness to set aside my case has given me very limited chances to pursue it. You also wrote: “You will be updated by an investigating officers every 28 days”. This has NOT happened and the issue of missing correspondence to West London police stations with no replies has never been addressed.

The MOPAC report raised important points: “I’m not satisfied that the outcome and handling of your complaint was both reasonable and proportionate”. The ‘reasonable’ and ‘proportionate’ have been conveniently ignored by you.

In response to this, you wrote: “I will address each of the points MOPAC have raised”. And with this you took the sluggish opportunity to write: “the matter has been accepted and that further clarification should be given to you regarding your complaint”.  You should have been a politician, one of those that never answer questions asked and do not address points raised. And: “clarify them to help ensure that you are able to contextualise and better understand”. It is clear that you are patronizing me and ignoring my complaint at your inefficiency to act in accordance with your job responsibilities.

I would like to address MOPAC statement: “his matter should be remedied under paragraph 28ZA of Schedule 3 to the Police Reform Act 2002”. Instead of addressing the full meaning of the Act, you offered two negligible clarifications, both of which were mere terse paragraphs. Part of the Act states: “… to continue to take the steps from time to time appearing to him to be appropriate for the purposes of Part 2 of this Act for obtaining and preserving evidence relating to the conduct complained of”.

I’ve requested, via the Metropolitan Police website “Update us/Ask for an update”. I’ve also requested, again, the full crime report dossier from the Acton Police station. We will have to see if even this letter has been discarded.

Which brings me to your point: “Your crime report 2515977/22 was regarding malicious communications which was being considered by the CPS”.

Presenting the charges solely as “malicious communication” displays ignorance, arrogance, and indifference to the case. Crimes committed by Mr. S… come under:

  • Crime and Disorder Act 1998 
  • Communications Act 2003
  • Public Order Act 1986 (many sections)
  • Protection from Harassment Act 1997

….and more; which they could carry a six months jail sentence.

You are insulting my intelligence with your “clarification”, not everyone is a dimwit. Nothing concrete has been done on a case that has been a clear cut and unambiguous from the start and for over a year. Rather than considering facts and the bigger picture, you and PC F… have taken persistent ease of action to address minor and negligible offences without clarifying anything that we didn’t know already.

In this case the Metropolitan Police has shown obstruction to justice, incompetence and inappropriate conduct. The caring and professionalism displayed by your colleagues every day is certainly not reflected by your stance.

It shows sheer arrogance and conceit when you refused, in past correspondence, to provide me with names of your superiors. I am confident that a professional approach would have made a big difference in my case. The actions of Mr S…, combined with your inaction, continue to impact me professionally and personally today. My case should have been proficiently addressed from the beginning, so that many hours would have not have been wasted by so many professionals over the course of the last 12 months. Not to mention precious resources!


A B M Procaccini



cc –  –     Social Media via Blogs and private website. -/ V. Drago, Solicitors /

The Rt Hon Chris Philp MP

Claire Penney, Chief Inspector, Professionalism – DPS, DPS Reviews Team, 40- 42 Newlands Park, London SE26 5NF

Rebecca Lawrence, Chief Executive. CPS, Petty France, London SW1H 9EA

Commander Jon Savell DPS, New Scotland Yard, London SW1A 2JL

Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime – Sophie.Linden@london.gov.uk

Station House Officer, Acton Police Station, 250 High St, London W3 9BH

ComplaintReviews@mopac.london.gov.uk -/ ReviewsTeam@met.police.uk / enquiries@policeconduct.gov.uk -/


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