Dr. N “C” – Hammersmith Hospital
Dear Dr. “C”,
Thank you for your letter of 14/10/2016, addressed to Dr. “K”. It is important to point out that while this letter is addressed to you, the last person contacting me, it is in fact not targeted to your persona but it is the consequence of a number of events that has prompted me to formulate a reply. You may wish to pass it to Professor “T” and Dr. J. “D”.
Following the September 2014 incident that caused me serious health conditions started by a CT angiogram performed at Hammersmith hospital, I have little faith in the healthcare system. The subsequent medical events are clearly evidence of malpractice, doctors’ ignorance and the systematic and pathetic cover up by the NHS and the Ombudsman, all conducive to poor credibility in medicine.
There are five “diagnoses” mentioned in your letter – none of them are accurate or are even existent. Should I be “picked” by emergency services or should I apply for Insurance, your diagnosis could cause me serious problems – only based on your improper saying. The general inability by physicians to distinguish right from wrong, to feel responsible and to weight one’s opinion is alarming. On what basis, with which tests did you come up with your diagnoses, please?
Medical incompetence is at epidemic proportions; but medicine is a tight-knit fraternity with an unwritten rule that bans self-exposure. This silence costs the nation billions of Pounds and an untold number of lives every year.
The failure to provide quality healthcare to the British public is neither an issue of available clinical resources nor adequate funds for these resources. It is the outcome of the absolutely inadequate education and biased, myopic philosophy of allopathic medical practitioners (Medical Doctors). Allopathic practitioners cannot provide quality healthcare because they do not understand or practice quality healthcare. What they can provide, although few have the expertise, is quality disease exploration; and this they do with great fervour.
Many patients will sit in silence as with religious worship and observance to the physician’s final judgment and conclusions. I will not, as I believe that knowledge should be shared. I am not arrogant or pretentious; I simply follow general medical guidelines, those that have been written for you throughout history.
When in October 2016 NICE chairmen, Professor David Haslam said: «The ideal consultation model involves ‘shutting up, listening, caring and knowing something» – his remarks didn’t go down well with many physicians. Interesting to note the verb he used in another sentence: “When choosing a GP” – As IF the patient has a choice. I had some faith in Dr. “H” at your hospital but despite my requests to see her again, these were declined. Sir Donald Irvine said: “the public wants doctors that are technically competent, giving them the best possible clinical outcome, are safe as possible, are kind, courteous and respectful and involve them in decisions about their care” – “and he is prepared to work with them as partners”, added Professor Haslam.
Unfortunately poor knowledge and ignorance don’t go far for patients’ wellbeing and health; the same goes for kind, courteous and respectful engagement.
Professor Haslam mentions “partners”; this is somewhat impossible because, for reasons unknown to medical science, physicians have an attitude of omnipotence which, unfortunately translates into arrogance towards their patients. Although humans, like everyone else, there is a feeling in most physicians that the patients’ knowledge of their own wellbeing, about medicine, drugs, physiology and biology is negligent and must be deried, belittled and ignored. Hence the statement in your letter: “He does not wish to take statin for his dyslipidaemia” – brushes me up in the wrong way, and I tell you why. Because based on the 1994–2002 ALLHAT study, it is reported: “statin drugs lowered cholesterol in 28% of the people taking it, but not a single life was saved” (The Statin Scam, page 115, Dr. S. Sinatra M.D., F.A.C.C). On several occasions I have asked GPs, cardiologists and specialists to mention one single independent study that has scientifically proven that statins save lives. Years later I am still waiting for a reply. [A recent report – 15/11/2016 – by US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), has found that: “evidence is yet not sufficient to assess the benefits and harms of starting statins for primary prevention of cardio vascular disease events and mortality”. Ref.: JAMA.2016;316(19):1997-2007. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.15450]
“Concentrate on lifestyle – salt restriction, good fruit and vegetables intake and taking exercise”, I have been told by the “experts”. According to the latest pathetic report from the Health Ombudsman, “physicians have been able to provide to me meaningful (?) advice” (as above?). I found this amazing as none of the physicians at your hospital or any GPs at my surgery have ever asked me what I eat and about my life style – medicine must have been built on assumptions (those like Hippocrates and Galen must be turning inside their graves). It is also almost like saying – stop, look, listen, look before you cross. I would call it a piteous attitude in general.
Doctors Ought to Care (D.O.C.) states: (1) to educate the public, especially young people, in humorous and refreshing ways, about the major preventable causes of poor health and high medical costs.
Should there be the need for other future litigation with the NHS, I wanted to get the records straight with this letter. It is too easy for any consultant to write personal opinions based on beliefs and assumptions without medical evidence and giving hasty advice without considering alternatives.
Cordially yours
A B M Procaccini
cc: Dr. “K”, The Argyle Surgery, London W13 8ER