Social Care 2015: Better Guidance, Better Care – Better – is what the Government has been promising for many months. While I looked after my mother for over 25 months (since April 2012), social care services from Ealing Council have been dreadful. I am very sorry for those that are alone and need care. Apparently Social Care will face many cuts in 2015.
These are just a few headlines on what is to come for 2015.
Ealing Council rejected the Liberal Democrat call-in for scrutiny of day care centre closures in the borough. Local Lib Dems recommended a delay in the closure of Carlton Road and other centres such as the Solace Centre , Elm and Sycamore Lodges, so ‘a proper and thorough review can be carried out of the needs of people who use these facilities’.
Labour chief (Julian Bell) in social housing owns £1m home round the corner: Councillor branded a ‘hypocrite’ after buying property while staying on as housing association tenant
- Julian Bell bought five-bedroom property in West London seven years ago
- Councillor stayed on as a housing association tenant despite purchase
- The 55-year-old has protested at housing shortages and Coalition cuts
- Critics urged him to give up social housing to ‘people who really need it’
Ealing Borough’s rubbish and recycling collection is to be downgraded from weekly to fortnightly and wheelie bins are on the way.
More than 400 staff at Ealing Council are facing redundancy as the borough grapples to save £96 million. Local services – already under pressure – face further hardship with children and youth services facing cuts of nearly £3million. Meanwhile the Brent Lodge Animal Centre will have to find new ways of funding and will lose £100,000 from April 2017.
A popular children’s play centre which has proved to be a lifeline for many parents is threatened with closure. The free drop-in centre in Lammas Park is one of many services Ealing council says will have to be cut in a bid to balance the books.
Pupils protest after lollipop women axed by Ealing Council
A new CPZ will be introduced in the Little Ealing area after a vote by local residents. 1749 consultations were sent out in the core area (shown in purple on map) 553 were returned, ie 32% responded – 60% of those who did told the council they wanted the CPZ for two periods of one hour each. Of the roads questioned 87% voted in favour of a CPZ on Chandos Avenue, 83% on Ealing Park Gardens, 77% on Radbourne Avenue and 71% on Darwin Road. [Worth remembering that Ealing FIRST creates the problems and afterwards will seek for solutions].